Driveway construction Dublin

Driveway Construction | Cobblelock or Paving | Decorative Stone Driveways

Driveway Construction Dublin

There are two styles of Driveway Construction most popular in both Dublin and Ireland wide.

These two being the Cobblelock /Paved Surface or Decorative Stone Surface.

Both these methods of laying a driveway require much the same preparation however the former requires a bit more time and effort when installing a sand blinding for cobble or concrete base for paving. There is endless design options and a huge variety of materials available (Natural Granite, Sandstone, Limestone, Manufactured Cobble, Brick, Paving Slab)

The most important factor of driveway design in my professional opinion is the hardcore base (804 Hardcore gravel). This is the one element of the construction process that must be installed correctly for the driveway to last the years it is expected to.

The driveway area must be excavated to the desired level before receiving layers of hardcore that are compacted. It is important to achieve maximum compaction of the base before moving to the next stage. A driveway is constructed for the purpose of housing a car or cars so the base must be sufficient in thickness and compaction.

In the case of laying a cobble surface a sand blinding is installed on top of the hardcore base and leveled with screed poles or lengths of timber. This gives a level surface to which the cobble or brick driveway is laid on. It is also optional to install a weed proof membrane that helps suppress weed growth. Where a path or apron is required the paving slabs or cobble must be set in a full bed of concrete to ensure they will not shift or move under the weight of a car.

Another popular driveway design option is to use decorative stone such as Ballylusk (Golden Quartz), Donegal Quartz, Granite Stone or Pebbles. This loose stone is usually laid on top of the compacted hardcore. It is advised to lay stone dust fines at this stage and compact before laying the stone. The fines compact very well and provide a separation layer between the hardcore and stone.

With driveway construction it is important that each stage is done correctly before moving on. This ensures the driveway surface will last many years down the line.

If you are looking to get a driveway installed in Dublin or surrounding counties or are just looking for some advice call Luke on 0851451758 or email Were happy to help.


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